Our annual Arts & Heritage Small Grants and Creative Bursaries are now open for application

Please see below for further details of the annual Culture, Arts & Heritage Small Grants Scheme for community/voluntary organisations, the Creative Practitioner Bursary Scheme for individual adult practitioners and the Youth Creative Skills Bursaries for young people aged 14-25 years.

Please note, all applications must meet the criteria outlined. All schemes are highly competitive with limited funding, so successful applicants may be offered a % of total applied for.

Culture, Arts & Heritage Small Grants |

The Culture Arts and Heritage grant scheme has been designed to best support, promote and develop cultural, arts and heritage events, projects and activities. It has been devised to support local community and voluntary groups to promote and develop projects which broaden cultural access throughout the council area. Constituted community/voluntary groups and other organisations which are not-for-profit and are open and accountable can apply for up to £1,000.00 to develop/provide an arts or heritage activity/project.

The deadline for applications is Friday 31 January 2025 at 12noon.

Applications must be completed online here

Download the CAH Guidance Notes here

Creative Practitioner Bursaries |

The Creative Practitioners’ Bursary Scheme has been established to help improve access to creative skills training or development programmes for creative practitioners residing or professionally based in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.

Practitioners of any creative form (drama, dance, visual arts/crafts, music, traditional arts, participatory arts, heritage) can apply for up to £1,000.00.

To be eligible, the applicant must be resident or professionally based within the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area, be a professional practitioner in any creative form – drama, dance, visual arts/craft, music, traditional arts, participatory arts, heritage and be able to provide evidence of being accepted or invited onto a training course or residency or able to demonstrate proof of need for materials, practitioner’s time or similar.

Examples of the type of course/training or residency which can be funded: Improve technical skills which relate to the creative practitioner’s professional practice; Improve the creative practitioner’s ability to manage their professional practice; Develop new skills which support the creative practitioner’s professional practice; Creative practitioner’s time to create new work; Materials.

The deadline for applications is Friday 21 February 2025 at 12noon.

Applications must be completed online here

Guidance notes can be downloaded here

Youth Creative Skills Bursaries |

The Youth Creative Skills Training Bursary Scheme has been established to help improve access to creative skills training or development programmes for young people aged 14-25 years.

Applicants who are based in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council can apply for a maximum of £200.00 to develop their creative skills - examples are to attend a summer training residency, undertaking specialist creative accredited or non-accredited training, short-term or one-off courses, participation in a regional, national or international creative skills competition.

The deadline for applications is Friday 25 April 2025 at 12 noon.

Applications must be completed online here

Guidance notes can be downloaded here


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