Coleraine Citizens' Wallpaper now open!
6th March 2020
Coleraine Citizens' Wallpaper Exhibition by Martin Nangle (and soundscape by Millie Taylor) is now open and...
True Confessions in the North Coast!!
20th February 2020
True Confessions Art, Music and Dance project! Flowerfield is delighted to have teamed up with the Golden...
The Saltarello Trio at Flowerfield - live at Flowerfield Arts Centre!
7th February 2020
The Saltarello Trio - musical influences from over 1000 years! Unique chance to see this eclectic band of...
Dreamer's Space Art Trail now open!
3rd February 2020
The Dreamer's Space Trail, created by artist/animator Corrina Askin is now open! The permanent art trail is...
Dreamer's Space Exhibition Opening
3rd February 2020
Dreamer's Space exhibition by Corrina Askin launched on Friday 17 January and was officially opened by the...
Beat the January and February Blues with Flowerfield!
20th January 2020
Beat the January and February Blues with some great shows at Flowerfield! We have some great shows, films and...
Dreamer's Space by Corrina Askin - set to be unveiled on Friday 17th January
6th January 2020
Dreamer's Space by Corrina Askin Exhibition launch Friday 17th January 2pm - all welcome Flowerfield Arts...
Holiday Closing
23rd December 2019
We’d like to wish all of our customers and friends a wonderful Christmas and peaceful New Year! Thank you...
Enrolment Days 16 & 17 December for Jan-March Courses
14th December 2019
Monday 16 December: Enrolment Day for Patchwork Courses at Flowerfield ONLY opens at 9.30am in person or by...
Late Night Opening at the Craft Fair
2nd December 2019
Late Night Opening at Flowerfield Craft Market! There are no excuses for calling down to the market as we are...